Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wooden train with sound track

Wooden train with sound track
The train set’s tracks with any song they wanted, just by shifting pegs into different positions. Kids can either set the Sound Track to play classic nursery rhymes like "Mary Had a Little Lamb," or they can write songs of their own, which the train will then play back for them as they push it along the track.
Quote by William Shakespeare
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
One in 500 humans has one blue eye and one brown eye.
Grenades were invented in China over 1,000 years ago.
More than 50% of Americans fall asleep on their sides.
Israel's Dead Sea is 1,312 feet below sea level.
Most dreams last only 5 to 20 minutes.
Recycle large plastic lids by using them for a painter’s palette or
cutting them up for stencils.
Easy chocolate cake you can cook in the microwave
Crafts & Tutorials
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Have a blessed day and Be a blessing to others.
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