Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Robotic Mosquitoe

Robotic Mosquitoe

Arobotic mosquito is, as its name suggests, a small insect-like robot
capable of inconspicuously drawing blood or skin cells from a target.
All you who automatically say “fake” because you don’t think your glorious government is funding this… do some research.Source: http://is.gd/Uy5DJTActual research paper: http://is.gd/1UcubIActual footage: http://is.gd/wYN00XAnother source: http://is.gd/0sVVASAnd another: http://is.gd/u5DC9s

Quote by Alice & Dogbert( Dilbert)
"We don't know how to make an invisible robot." "Do you know how to make an empty box?"

Mosquitos are attracted most to the color blue.
3 out of 10 Dalmation dogs suffer from hearing loss due to inbreeding.
The mortality rate if bitten by a Black Mambo snake is over 95%.
A dog’s sense of smell is 1,000 times stronger than humans.
It takes a lobster about seven years to grow to be one pound.

With warmer weather comes mosquito season. Empty standing water out of saucers under pots. Also, eliminate any other standing water that may have accumulated during recent rains.
Via http://www.sacbee.com/2012/04/21/4421938/garden-tip-mosquito-season.html#storylink=cpy
Medical ID Bracelets

Chocolate Banana pops
3banana not over ripe

Crafts & Tutorials
How to build byour own mosquito trap out of a two-liter plastic bottle.

Make a milk jug into a Scoop

Make Your Own Citronella Candles & Torches

Make your own vinyl record dessert stand

How to make Braided Leather wrap Bracelets

How to make portacots top to keep flies ect. from baby tutorial

How to make A Ponytail Hat tutorial

Thank you for coming to see me ,come back please.
Have a blessed day & Be a blessing to others

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