Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The new book "Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900-2000" by MoMA's architecture and design curator Juliet Kinchin and the department's...
North America that is wilderness: 38%
American women who say they would marry the same man: 50%
City with the highest per capita viewer ship of TV evangelists: Washington DC
Americans who have visited Disneyland or Disney World: 70%
Bird species that are monogamous: 90%
Only animal besides human that can get sunburn: Pig
Day care centers could use them for disposal of diapers and to send wet clothing home with the kids.
Making the garlic infused olive oil
Empty a whole bottle (I use 34 ounce) of Italian extra virgin olive oil in a crock-pot along with individual cloves from 3 heads of garlic. Mash each clove a little bit. Turn the crock-pot on low and leave it until the garlic starts turning golden - it will be a few hours - At this time turn the heat off and skim the garlic out of the oil. Save to use in other dishes. Delicious mashed with toasted crostini. After the oil cools, funnel it back into the bottle. Can be stored in refrigerator, but it will solidify and need to sit out a little while.
The next time you have green onions, don't throw away the white ends. Simply submerge them in a glass of water and place them in a sunny window. Your onions will begin to grow almost immediately and can be harvested almost indefinitely. Just use kitchen scissors to cut what you need for meals. And periodically empty out the water, rinse the roots off and give them fresh water.
Crafts & Tutorials
How to make Age Galvanized Meta
How to make Hog Farrowing apron planter box
How to make Tins & ship wreck nails under glass* clever idea
How to make baby's crib to make a bench.
How to make pallet garden walkway
How to make Hang board games on the play room
How to make Matchbox car track
Have a blessed day & Be a blessing to others.
Thank you for coming to see me ,come back please.


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