Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Jeannette Oerlemans
To see more of her work

Quote by~Robert Caseper Lintner
Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness.

The Pilgrim leader, Governor William Bradford, had organized the first Thanksgiving feast in the year 1621 and invited the neighboring Wampanoag Indians also to the feast. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.
President George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving Day
Proclamation in the year 1789 and again in 1795.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt restored Thursday before last of November as Thanksgiving Day in the year 1939. He did so to make the Christmas shopping season longer and
hus stimulate the economy of the state.
Congress passed an official proclamation in 1941 and declared that now onwards Thanksgiving will be observed as a legal holiday on the fourth Thursday of November every year.

The day before
peel the potatoes, place them in a bowl of water, and then put them in the refrigerator. This way, they won’t oxidize and turn brown. When you are ready to cook your potatoes, simply drain off the water and cook them like normal.

jalapeno and cheddar dip
8 ounces of fresh jalapeno peppers
1/ 3 cup of sour cream
2 cups of shredded smoked cheddar cheese. 1 tablespoon of prepared horseradish 1 large clove of fresh garlic
Cut your jalapenos and de-seed them for a mildly seasoned dip. If you really want some intense heat then add some of the seeds to your dip while cooking.
Chop your jalapeno peppers and garlic finely. Place the smoked cheddar cheese in a double boiler and cook until the cheese is completely melted.
Add your jalapenos, sour cream, garlic and horseradish and stir for your really good jalapeno and cheddar dip.
Cook on low heat until the peppers have begun to soften, stirring regularly. Pour out into a heated bowl and serve immediately.

Have a blessed day & Be a blessing to others.
Thank you for dropping by!

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