Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Monday, April 20, 2009

Surrrslism artist Mihai Criste

Surreal painting
Mihai Criste is a creative Romanian artist who is fascinated by abstration, mystery and surrealism. A gotta see art!
His website
Quote by~Henry David Thoreau
"Go confidently
In the Direction of your dreams
Live the life
You 've imagined".

Lima beans contain cyanide!
Gloucestershire airport in England used to blast Tina Turner songs
on the runways to scare birds away.
Because heat expands the metal, the Eiffel Tower always leans away from the sun.
You can tape a small mirror onto a cone speaker, play music and shine a laser on to the mirror and the reflection will look like a laser light show on your wall.
In one day, a full grown redwood tree expels more than 2 tons of water through its leaves.

To find out if a watermelon is ripe, knock it, and if it sounds hollow then it is ripe.
how to buy fruits
Apples: Look for firmness and a good colour. Avoid soft, mealy fruit or those with soft bruises that are discolored. Varieties of apples like Red Delicious and Golden Delicious (Kashmiri apples) are firm, crisp, juicy and sweet while some other apples are doughy and better suited for cooking.
Bananas: Best eaten when yellow with brown speckles or if they are the green ones, then they should be firm and without black soft patches or bruises. Bananas get damaged below 12 degrees Celsius or 55 degrees Fahrenheit, so never refrigerate. If bought when they are still raw, keep outside for a couple of days to ripen. Placing them in a paper bag will speed up the ripening process. Bananas emit a natural gas called ethylene while ripening, so keep them away from other fruits which may spoil if they are already ripe.
Cheekoo (sapota): Typically there is more than one crop a year – in April and September. Known as sapodilla around the world, this brown skinned fruit has wrinkled skin when ripe and will give slightly when pressed. Unripe fruit have a greenish tinge and will be very hard. Overripe fruits will have mushy soft spots all over or a white fur near the stem.
Grapefruit: Called chakotra in Hindi, this yellow citrus fruit with pink insides is sold ready-to-eat; avoid fruit that is too soft (a sign of decay). Scratches and spots on the peel don't usually indicate that anything's wrong.
Grapes: Select those with green, pliable stems that the grapes don't fall off of easily — a sign that the grapes themselves are fresh. Select grapes (whether black or green) which are tender, plump and not tiny. Stems which are brown with grapes falling off it mean that they have been stored for long.
Kiwi: It's ripe when it yields to the touch but doesn't leave indentations.
Melons: A stem that's still attached may indicate the fruit isn't ripe. With muskmelon (kharbuja), avoid those with an overly yellow color and a soft skin, which indicates overripeness. Sniff for a sweet, pleasing smell. Most muskmelons require two to four days to ripen at room temperature at home.
Mangoes: In season from April in the southern regions to end of July in the northern regions of the country. Choose a firm fruit which yields a bit when pressed. However, very soft fruit with a lot of black spots or bruises should be avoided. Colour may be green tending to yellow, orange or red depending on the type. Unripe mangoes can be ripened by placing them in a paper bag or some straw with a ripe mango, however, mangoes which have been picked too soon will not ripen. Yellow colour alone does not guarantee ripeness as it is often artificially created; instead look for a ripe fruity aroma.
Oranges: Should be heavy, indicating juiciness. Brown or white streaks on Nagpur or Kamala oranges are common and don't affect flavor. A fermented smell may indicate that it is overripe.
Papayas: Available all year round. Choose fruits which are greenish yellow to full yellow, firm but give slightly when fruit is pressed. Avoid very soft fruit and those with white patches.
Peaches: hey should be plump and fairly firm; very hard peaches are unlikely to ripen. They should be creamy yellow with a faint red blush and fuzzy skin.
Pears: Should be firm but slightly soft. Their color depends on the type and varies from pale to rich yellow. Shriveled pears will not ripen.
Pineapple: Fruit should have a nice ripe aroma, golden yellow in colour and slightly soft. Dark wet spots mean it is over ripe.
Pomegranates: Choose firm thin skinned fruit without any cracks or discolouration. Colour can vary from yellowish red to crimson. Seeds which can be felt through the skin may mean it is overmature
Strawberries: In peak supply in December and January. Look for the cap stem (hull) still attached to firm, plump and bright fruit, and avoid fruit with white shoulders or large discolored patches.
Watermelon (Tarbooj) : Peak season April to June though it is now also available all year. Choose a melon firm, heavy, rounded, symmetrical and free of bruises or cracks. When tapped it should produce a nice resonant sound.

Camping food and Dutch Oven recipes
Camp fire cobber
One can crushed pineapple One can pie filling (apple, cherry etc.) One box yellow cake mix One stick butter/margrine
Small dutch oven Camp fire
Pour crushed pineapple and juice into dutch oven,then add pie filling. Next empty cake mix evenly on top but do not mix ingrendents. Cut butter into small pats and distribute over top of cake mix. Put lid on dutch oven and bake in camp fire with coals on top and bottom for about 45 minutes.
Rv cooking
Foil recipes
RV washing and drying clothes
Crafts & Tutorials
Plastic egg side walk chalk
Plastic eggs
petroleum jelly
Plastic spoons
Plaster of paris
Powder Temper paint
1. To make a piece, first separate the halves of a plastic egg. Liberally coat the insides with petroleum jelly, adding extra near the seam, and then set both halves upright in an empty egg carton. 2. In a disposable cup, use a plastic spoon to mix together 1/4 cup of plaster of Paris, 2 tablespoons of cold water, and about 2 tablespoons of powdered tempera paint. Spoon the plaster into the egg halves, filling them both almost to the top, and let it set for a few minutes until it reaches a mudlike consistency. Then snap the plastic egg back together and briskly shake it to combine the mixture. 3. Repeat for each color of chalk, disposing of the cups and spoons in the trash. Let the chalk eggs set overnight before removing them from the molds, wedging the tip of a table knife between the chalk and the plastic (a parent's job) to help loosen it, if needed.

Recycle tin cans

How to make tip top flower pots

How to make a hand rolled sparkly beeswax cnadles

Make a chicken wire memory board

Sew a canvas Garden bucket

Make a lamp out of books

Make Puzzle Picture blocks

Go make something !
Have a blessed day and remember to be a blessing !

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