Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wooden bicycles

These photos are from the Flickr pool of Harry Palangchao.

Wooden bicycles
Wooden bicycles can be found all over the world. These hand made bikes are often larger-scale scooters that you sit on. Made with whatever wood can be found, they use small wooden home-made wheels covered with discarded rubber rims. Forward movement depends on the rider pushing with their feet.
Gotta see more of these Look here please

Quote by~Mark Twain
A man cannot be comfortable without his
own approval.

Mid-men, the male versions of mid-wives, are called accouchers.
The distance that a place holder falls from a glass when it is lifted (you know, place holders sometimes get stuck to the bottom of a cold glass when you lift the glass) is called a bevemeter.
The apparatus used in alcohol distilleries for freeing the spirit from water is called the dephlegmator.
The device at the intersection of two railroad tracks to permit the wheels and flanges on one track to cross or branch for the other is called a frog.
The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula.

Keep a bag of cat litter in the trunk of your car. Use it to add traction when you're stuck in ice or snow.
Preserve Flowers
The fragrance and beauty of freshly cut flowers is such a fleeting thing. You can't save the smell, but you can preserve their beauty by drying your flowers on a bed of cat litter in an airtight container for 7-10 days.

Check this out Bender and Mason jar * loved this tip
Great recipes too

Crafts & Tutorial
Cheater Quilt step by step

How to make a fruit bouquet and candy

Hershey's kiss rosebud favor

How to make bead bouquet
Enjoy your day! Lord Bless you!

1 comment:

Loralynn said...

That "Cheater Quilt" is really cool!