Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Know your Palms"

image by fishn
"Know your Palms" project invites Angelenos to take a closer look at their skyline. A localized guerilla poster campaign in the city of Palms helps locals identify the most common species
Quote  Bible
"How fair & how pleasant art thou,O love , for delights! this thy
stature is like to palm tree & thy breasts to clusters of grapes."
Male hospital patients fall out of bed twice as often as female hospital patients.
Every U.S. president with a beard has been a Republican.
7,000 new insect species are discovered every year.
In many countries, urine was used as a detergent for washing.
Hyenas regularly eat the feces of other animals.
 Listerine is a powerful antiseptic, which can dry out blisters. Use cotton balls to dab Listerine onto blisters three times a day until they heal.
Mexican sloppy Joe
Crafts & Tutorials
How to make  wood-fired,flower pot pizza and/or bread ovens.
adobe oven
How to make outdoor Scrabble board
How to make storage bench
How to make cuffs from old belts
How to make using a pot with jute
How to make knit a strawberry & pattern
How to make printout with gel medium to a sheet of watercolor paper
How to make wooden broom hanger
Have a blessed day and Be a blessing to others.
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