Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Friday, November 23, 2012

Gap's new holiday window displays. They're like giant versions of The Kingdom Animals! Moose, Deer, Foxes, and Squirrels!
Quote by Plato
"Man is wingless animal with two feet and
Flat nails."
The original Olympic flag was missing for 77 years until 1920 Olympian Hal Haig Prieste revealed he had it the whole time.
James Buchanan was gay.
Abraham Lincoln was a barber before he was a lawyer.
Brothers Grim (Jacob and Wilhelm), never wrote the fairy tales they are famous for. They merely collected them.
Author Robert May considered the names of Reginald and Rollo before he settled on "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer."
You can tie up vine plants to a stick using dental floss to support them.
Greek Pasta Salad
-1/2 cups uncooked penne pasta
1/2 cup cubed cooked turkey or chicken
1 can (3.8 ounces) sliced ripe olives, drained
1/4 cup chopped green pepper
1/4 cup chopped sweet red pepper
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/3 cup creamy Caesar salad dressing
Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse in cold water. In a serving bowl, combine the pasta, turkey, olives, peppers and feta cheese. Drizzle with dressing and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate until serving. Yield: 4 servings.

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