Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Star Wars Chewbacca Slippers

Star Wars Chewbacca Slippers
read more here

Quote by~Hal Borland

April is a promise that May is bound to keep.


American Green cards were actually green was 1964.

Diet Pepsi was originally called Patio Diet Cola.

7,000 new insect species are discovered every year.

No matter how cold it gets, gasoline will not freeze.

Most people who read the word 'yawning' will yawn/


The tip of an umbrella is the spike that was originally on all umbrellas but not parasols.The spike is centred on the outside of the umbrella at the point where all the 'ribs' meet. The purpose was so that when the umbrella was placed in an upright position to dry, IE when the 'tip' was on the floor, the water would not accumulate in the material but run down the 'tip', drying the whole umbrella. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_tip_of_an_umbrella#ixzz1IZ7aOwC0


Cauliflower & bacon

1 cauliflower head, cut into florets

1/4 pound bacon or pancetta, cut into batons

4-5 garlic cloves, sliced thin

1-2 teaspoons dried oregano

1-2 teaspoons red pepper flakes

Salt and black pepper to taste

Lemon juice to taste

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the cauliflower for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside. Add the bacon to the pan and fry gently over medium heat until crispy. Sauté the garlic for 1 minute on medium-high heat, then add the cauliflower, bacon, oregano and red pepper flakes. Toss to combine and sauté for 3-4 minutes, stirring often. Do not let the garlic burn.

Links to Crafts & Tutorials

How to make pop up egg greeting card

Tab Tunic tshirt tutorial

Tutorial figuring the 8 Scarf

Tote-able towel tutorial

How to make a simple loom from a picture frame tutorial http://unplugyourkids.com/2009/01/11/picture-frame-loom/

How to make a barbie bed tutorial

Have a blessed day & Be a blessing to others.

Thank you for coming to see me come back please.

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