Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Taking out the rubbish more artistic!

Now you can make the boring chore of taking out the rubbish more artistic! Brighten your day and bring a little happiness to your streets on collection day!designed by wieden + kennedy
read about them here:
Quote by~Gilda Radner
Dreams are like paper,they tear so easily.

Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
Man is the only animal that cries.
Men laugh longer,and more ofton than women.
Houndini was the frist man to fly an airplane solo in australia.

Greasy dishes: Mix 2 tablespoons white vinegar to liquid dish soap to boost its cleaning power.
Cleaning vinyl floors: Add 1/4 cup vinegar to 1 gallon hot water for spotless floors.
Toilet hard-water rings: Shut off water at the tank and flush to remove as much water as possible. Spray vinegar on the ring, sprinkle in borax and scrub with drywall sandpaper.
Shower head deposits: Pour white vinegar into a plastic bag, tape to the shower head and leave overnight. Brush the shower head to remove remaining deposits.
Softening laundry: Fill dispenser with 1/4 cup white vinegar to soften laundry without leaving odors.

Stuffed strawberries
1 8 oz. package of Cream Cheese (softened)
1/2 Cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. almond extract
1 qt. strawberries (washed and hulled)
In a medium bowl mix cream cheese powdered sugar and almond extract together and beat until smooth. Cut top off strawberry to make a flat surface. Cut tip of strawberry in quarters about 1/2-3/4 down lenghth of strawberry. Pipe filling inside strawberries. Place flat side of strawberries on a platter to serve.

Crafts & tutorials
Stop table from wobbles

Vintage Tea Towel pillow

Perfect Box pouch tutorial

Spring Ruffle top(sew)

Very Cute Felt bunny tutorial

Child felt mask & pattern

How to make shell covered Table

Make a Hanging Scarf Cluster (storage)

Stay Crafty !
Have a blessed day and remember to be a blessing !


Celia said...

Lol.... I love the idea! SO fun! But I'm not sure I'll waste the money in that, lol...

Doreen said...

Hmm it would be nice to take the garbage out in style and wouldn't the streets look livelier before pick up time!

Scrap and Crochet said...

The Stuffed Stawberries sound sinfully yummy! lol How have you been? Do you still have your old site?

Ginger said...

Been very busy this last week. Doing lot of crafts.
The old blog crafts & you just has link to get to this blog. Do both got to much for me was work not fun so only doing this one. Good to see you my friend! big hugs
Thank you all of you that joined me here you all rock!!!!