Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Look what you can do with million cable ties

Students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, Germany, have created an installation called The Third Space, which is woven from more than a million cable ties.
See more here
Quote by~Arthur Guiterman,
The First ThanksgivingSo once in every year we throngUpon a day apart,To praise the Lord with feast and songIn thankfulness of heart.

George Washington carried a portable sundial.
Taft was the last President with facial hair.
Bob Dole is 10 years older than the Empire State Building
Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. president to have been born in a hospital.
Queen Victoria eased the discomfort of her menstrual cramps by having her doctor supply her with marijuana.
The Truth is out there, but you can't find it.

Bacon candy
1 lb Bacon (not thick-cut)
1/4 cup Brown sugar
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.Slice bacon into 1/2 inch strips and dredge in brown sugar until thoroughly coated.Crumple aluminum foil to allow for grease drainage and place it on a baking sheet. Lay out the bacon on this making sure not to overlap pieces.Bake until crispy. Allow to cool and harden before serving.

Scrub your showers: Lightly wet a used dryer sheet, and scrub to remove soap build-up and mineral deposits.

Crafts and Tutorials
Glass Ornaments & great recipes
Have a wonderful day!


Liz said...

Ginger, Feel free to link anything I've got - any time. Thanks for visiting my blog. Now I need to thaw some bacon, because that candied baon actually sounds really good...

Amber said...

I think my husband has enough cable ties to build a room!! I think he is storing them for a "cable tie" emergency of some sort!

Thanks for the link also!!

Mette said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and the link to my tutorial.