Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Daily Bible Verse

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

The Art Of Photography

Quote By~Richard Bach
You are never given a dream without also
being given the power to make it true.

Its a fact:
1 out of 20 people has a extra rib.
1865,the U.S.Secret Service specific purpose to combat the counterfeiting of money.
1873 colgate toothpaste was in jars.
Golden crisps Sugar Bear was born in 1963.

Free sample:
KOTEX Pads, Liners and Tampons

Prevent cookies from crumbing,
with dental floss slide it under each cookie for easy take off.

Butter Pecan Popcorn
8 cups popped popcorn (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup unpopped)
Nonstick cooking spray
1/2 cup broken pecans
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/3 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup instant butterscotch or butter pecan pudding mix
3/4 teaspoon vanilla
1. Discard unpopped popcorn kernels. Spray a 17x12x2-inch roasting pan with nonstick cooking spray. Place the popped corn and pecans in the pan. Keep popcorn warm in a 300 degree F oven while making coating.
2. In a small saucepan melt the margarine or butter. Remove saucepan from heat. Stir in the corn syrup, pudding mix, and vanilla. Pour syrup mixture over popcorn. With a large spoon, gently toss the popcorn with the syrup mixture to coat.
3. Bake popcorn, uncovered, in a 300 degree F oven for 16 minutes, stirring halfway through baking. Remove the pan from the oven. Turn mixture onto a large piece of foil. Cool popcorn completely. When cool, break into large pieces. Store leftover popcorn, tightly covered, in a cool, dry place for up to 1 week. Makes about 9 (1-cup) servings.

Crafts and Tutorials
Crafts anMini Scrapbook Suitcase http://createyourcrafts.com/projects/projects/miniscrapbooksuitcase.htm


Rainbow Text Generator


Original Nifty Text

Felt Coasters

Surprise balls
Have a blessed day enjoy it!
See you soon!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful photograph... It is so calm and soothing. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Loralynn said...

I don't usually leave a post, but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog! I love all the links to explore! Thanks for your hard work at it!