Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday May 8, 2008

send an email to, lucykatecrafts AT talktalk DOT net with the following information,
1. name
2. email address
3. postal address
4. website/blog details (if you have one)
5. favorite colours
6. favorite fabrics
Sign up by Friday 16th May, and I will send out your swap partners information the following Monday, toadstools will need to be made and sent by Friday 13th June, so that gives you over a month sewing time.

My tags am making Called Not perfect
Notice her ring a fish button not a frog.I put pearls on the ties.
beachtag and not perfect tags were stained using coffee,tea to make them look old.

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