Daily Bible Verse

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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My back yard visitor Quotes Father's day

Saturday June 14, 2008
Good day everyone.
Won't post untill monday so you all have a great father's day.
My hubby father and mine passed away in 1996
Sure miss them. Like so many hubbys are at war and maybe not with us
my thoughts ana prayers are with you all this day.
Father's day quotes
Happy Father's day to you my dear fishN

"That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all." -- J. August Strindberg

"It is a wise father that knows his own child." -- William Shakespeare

"It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was." -- Anne Sexton

"One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters." -- English Proverb

Copyright © 2007 by Jerry Wilson. Used with Permission.
Also available on the Web at www.wilstar.com

Had a great thing happen to me fri morning had a little red squirrel
run on my fence never saw one in my yard ,
before at the same time also had two black birds on the fence.
Just a blessing to see aniamals in my yard like that.
The Squirrel
Whisky, frisky,
Hippity hop;
Up he goes
To the tree top!
Whirly, twirly,
Round and round,
Down he scampers
To the ground.
Furly, curly
What a tail!
Tall as a feather
Broad as a sail!
Where's his supper?
In the shell,
Snappity, crackity,
Out it fell.
Crafts please check them out
Steering Wheel Muff

fabric coat hanger & pattern

Pooka the cat(C)

K) finger puppets animals

Finger puppets(K)

Peter rabbit(K)

Bandana Sew & no Sew
Bandana tote

Bandana pillow

Bottle bag pattern
Why carry a baby bottle to sitters put it in a bottle bag

Window flower holder

Happy father's day!
Enjoy your weekend! Stay safe!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My house was a very fine house.

My house was a very fine house.
Good day everyone,Hmm fri.13,which is just another day for me to get to blog which i love.
Saw that funny house and wanted to tell you all we have inside of window's to paint and a few touch up's in the living room.We have to re do celings in hall way's dinning room my extra room we did it in wrong paint we needed flat. so we have to redo, but we got it right in the high living room awesome.Show you later the great work fishn did.
Don't forget Fathers day Sunday
Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad.
— Anonymous

My type of house work
My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
~Author Unknown
Macaroon Cookies
1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
1 14-ounce bag shredded coconut
2 egg whites
1 tsp. vanilla
Pinch of salt
Melted chocolate for drizzle optional
Beat egg whites, vanilla and salt to a medium stiff peak. In a large bowl,
add coconut and pour sweetened milk over the top and mix until just blended.
Pour beaten egg white mixture into bowl with coconut and gently fold all
ingredients together. Put parchment paper on the cookie sheet because the
mixture is extremely sticky. Using a very small cookie scoop or two
teaspoons, drop dough onto parchment paper approximately 2 inches apart.
Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes or until just golden. Cool 10
minutes; remove to cooling rack or to a piece of waxed paper and drizzle
with melted chocolate if desired. Makes approximately 24
wall pocket totes

How to crochet plastic bag tote pattern

chalkboard placemats

chalk board paper

Chalk board tv tray

Turn old wine bottles into chalk art

Have a wonderful day my friends.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday June 12, 2008
Everyone makes mistakes.
The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.

Q: Is it true that when you shave, your hair grows back thicker?
A: No, the hair doesn’t really grow back thicker – it just looks like that way, explains Dr. Ronald B. Vender, director of the Dermatology Centre, a clinical research facility in Hamilton, Ont. When hair is cut or shaved, the cross-section at the cut is thicker than the tip, which has thinned due to such factors as washing your hair, exposure to the elements, wearing a hat, etc. "So while it seems at first that the hair is thicker," says Vender, "as the hair grows in length, it becomes tapered due to natural weathering."

Camping Recipes


Knot bag tutorial

Iron on vinyl Coasters

Coat rack for kids easy!

You have to see this blog talk about ideas in crafts she so great.
Turning a photo into shrinky dinks fathers day gift!

How to make sea glass earrings

That what i been doing adding blogs and comments, only way am learning how to do this blog by looking at others .Which i love looking at each one i go too.
Make this your best day ever!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rabbits are like ideas

Good day my friends,So happy your all here.
I was thinking of this quote:
Ideas are like rabbits.
You get a couple and learn how to handle them,
and pretty soon you have a dozen.
By~ John Steinbeck
This is why i post crafts sometime it sparks ideas
and dreams for others and me.
Its a fact:
A raven can
Open a box to get a treat,and then teach others to do the same.
Maybelline video how to get just right look.
http://www.maybelline.com/mca/video-gallery.aspxe up vi
Here a free sample:PERFECT 10 and Pantene Expressions
Craft tutorial and patterns
Bird Tutorial

Gardening apron

Marble sunctachers

Reversible Headbands

Summer strawberry

How to make Lace Hankerchief into baby bonnet

Plastic canvas Patriotic pinwheel napkin ring

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Odd fact:The felt tip pen

Tuesday May 10, 2008
Very happy you all dropped in today.
Don't be shy can drop me some comments.
I read each one of them.
I cut out lot of pin cushions .
show them to you soon when get some finished.

little quote for ya:
Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.

Add a cup of white wine vinegar to the rinse cycle to keep dark clothes from fading.
Thanks to Tia Williams

Odd fact:The felt tip pen was invented by the American C.I.A. in an attempt to make a poison pen. The poison would not flow through a fountain pen.

Butterfly CupCake
Reynolds® Baking Cups
1package (about 18 oz.) white cake mix
1 container (16 oz.) vanilla frosting
Green food color
Reynolds® Cut-Rite® Wax Paper
Mini pretzels
White candy coating pieces, melted
Colored sprinkles
Red string licorice
PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Place Reynolds Baking Cups in muffin pans; set aside. Prepare cake mix following package directions for 24 cupcakes. Spoon batter into baking cups. Bake as directed. Cool.
TINT frosting with green food color; frost cupcakes.
FOR EACH BUTTERFLY, dip 2 mini pretzels in melted white candy coating. Place on Reynolds Cut-Rite Wax Paper with rounded sides of pretzels touching. Drizzle more candy coating between pretzels. Sprinkle with colored sprinkles. For antenna, insert 2 pieces of licorice into candy coating. When coating has hardened, stand butterfly on top of cupcake.
Number of Servings: 24

Make junk into art

Recycle silverware into wind chimes

Pine Needle Basket

How to use the hoop with tiny squares tutorial

Photo type case

Just make this day the best you had in a long time.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Facts about Charles Dickens

Monday May 9, 2008
Welcome back,Hope you had a great weekend.
This weekend i painted my living room ok hubby did it looks awesome.
Off white flat celing one wall poney tail, other wall it called basket.
We open up a wall to family room now i have a great room.We painted by firerplace a red with a yellow kitchen. Gotta get you some picture 's.
So we did that also cut fabric for about 70 pincushions or more.
My girl came over sat.Night we both took turns doing a fashion show she had bought hubby and me some cut offs in every color for the summer. She so funny couldn't wait untill fathers day to give her dad some shirts with fish on them(fishn) loved them 2 work shirts too.
So what i did this weekend,We were real busy.
Didn't do much cooking but sunday had home made taco's.
Drama is like a dream, it is not real, but it is really felt.
By- Abhinavagupta

by~ Charles Dickens
Have a heart that never hardens,
and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.

Its a Fact:
Odd Facts about Charles Dickens :
1.OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE. Dickens was preoccupied with looking in the mirror and combing his hair - he did it hundreds of times a day. He rearranged furniture in his home - if it wasn't in the exact "correct" position, he couldn't concentrate. Obsessed with magnetic fields, Dickens made sure that every bed he slept in was aligned north-south. He had to touch certain objects three times for luck. He was obsessed with the need for tidiness, often cleaning other homes as well as his own.
2.Dickens gave every one of his ten children nicknames like "Skittles" and "Plorn."
3. Dickens suffered from epilepsy
4. Dicken's study had a secret door designed to look like a bookcase. The shelves were full of fake books with witty titles, such as Noah's Arkitecture and a nine-volume set titled Cat's Lives. One of his favorites was a multi-volume series called The Wisdom of Our Ancestors, dealing with subjects like ignorance, superstition, disease, and instruments of torture, and a companion book titled The Virtues of Our Ancestors, which was so narrow that the title had to be printed vertically.

corn & black bean salsa

1 can of black beans drained
16 oz. of corn (canned, frozen, even fresh)
1 green pepper, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1 cucumber (as much as you want, i used the whole thing), peeled & chopped
fresh cilantro (as much as you want), chopped
1 small bottle of kraft zesty! italian dressing
mix it all together, cover & let it chill in the fridge for about a 1/2 hour or so.
serve with chips or all by itself!

How to make envelopes glue

Take-away containers into a decorative storge box

The wandering sack cute for kids?

Paper foldables
Have a Great monday!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gothic arches theme clown

Clown one Has it saying :Hate to break it to you,But!
The painted Clown
Gothic arches theme Clowns